All you want to know about... GOLFER'S INSURANCE




The Insurer will (subject to the Terms Exceptions/Limits and Conditions of the policy) in the event of any of the undermentioned contingencies happening in any recognised Golf Course within the Territorial Limits as stated during the Period of Insurance stated in the Schedule, indemnify the Insured as follows:

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Against legal liability arising out of claims made on the Insured in respect of accidents caused by the Insured whilst playing or practising golf on any recognised Golf Course resulting in:-

  1. Accidental bodily injury to any person not being a member of the Insured's family or household or in his service

  2. Accidental damage to property not belonging to or in the charge of or under the control of the Insured or a member of his family or household or of any person in his service.

And all costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant against the Insured or incurred with the written consent of the Insurer in respect of a claim against the Insured to which the indemnity expressed in the policy applies.

PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the amount payable hereunder in respect of any one accident or series of accidents constituting one occurrence shall not in any case exceed the sum of RM250,000.

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For the benefit specified below if any Event described herein shall happen to the Insured whilst playing or practising golf on any recognised Golf Course and the Insured shall thereby suffer any of the Results described herein, then the Insurer will pay to the Insured or in the event of the death of the Insured to the Insured's legal personal representatives, the Benefit set forth below:-

Event Result Benefit
Bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent accidental external and visible means which injury shall independently of any other cause be the sole and direct cause of any of the Results (1) to (6).
  1. Death
  2. Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in both eyes
  3. Total loss by physical severance of both hands or both feet or of one hand and one foot
  4. Total loss by physical severance of one hand or one foot together with the total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye
  5. Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye
  6. Total loss by physical severance of one hand or one foot
Occurring within ninety days of the happening of the event.
  1. RM20,000
  2. RM20,000
  3. RM20,000
  4. RM20,000
  5. RM10,000
  6. RM10,000


  1. This section shall not be operative if at the same time of the accident the Insured has attained the age of 65 years.

  2. No compensation shall be payable under the policy:- i) In respect of any Event consequent upon Suicide (whether felonious or not) or attempt thereat, nor in respect of any event happening to the Insured whilst insane or intoxicated nor in respect of any result attributable either wholly or in part to hernia however caused, venereal disease, or in case of a women childbirth or pregnancy. ii) Until the total amount shall have been ascertained and agreed.

  3. Compensation shall not be payable for:- i) more than one Results (1) to (6) and when payable for one of those results shall not be payable for any of the results caused by the same event nor for any of the results caused by any subsequent event all further liability on the Insurer under the policy thereupon ceasing. ii) any of the Results unless the Insured shall as soon as possible after the happening of the Event which caused such results procure and follow medical advice from a duly registered medical practitioner. 

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Against loss of or damage to:-

  1. Golf Clubs, Bags and Bag Trundlers and other Golf Accessories belonging to the Insured whilst contained in any building  or in transit but not exceeding the sum of RM500 per club and RM3,000 during any one period of insurance.

  2. Personal Effects belonging to the Insured whilst contained in any Golf Club House Professional's Shop but not exceeding the sum of RM1,000 during any one period of insurance.

occasioned by Fire, Burglary or Accidental Damage.

  1. The Insurer shall not be liable under Section 3 for loss of or damage to Mobile/Hand phone, Watches, Jewellery, Trinkets, Money, Securities or Stamps.

  2. On the happening of any loss insured under Section 3 the Insurer shall be entitled to take and keep possession of the Property concerned and to deal with the salvage in a reasonable manner and the policy shall be proof of leave and license for such purpose. No property may be abandoned to the Insurer. The Insured shall furnish to the Insurer invoices or receipts of purchase to substantiate the claim.

  3. Wear and tear and depreciation of golfing equipments will be discounted according to the following scale:-

Age of Equipment

Amount of Depreciation
  • Less than one year
  • One to two years
  • Two to three years
  • Three years and above
  • 25%
  • 35%
  • 45%
  • 60%
    4.    The Insurer shall not be liable for theft of Golf Clubs, Bags Trundlers and other Golf Accessories while contained in an automobile unless all doors and windows are securely locked, and in the event of a loss by theft from an automobile visible signs of forcible entry must be evident.

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In the event of the Insured effecting a "Hole in One" golf shot the Insurer will pay to the Insured the cost of hospitality in the Club House up to an amount not exceeding RM500 which by local custom the Insured is required to extend to members of the Club. Such expenses must be incurred on the same day as the achievement of the "Hole in One".

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If family cover is required, then the term 'insured' shall include:-

  1. The Insured's spouse

  2. The Insured's children below the age of 21, who are dependent on the Insured for support and maintenance.

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Individual - RM74.80 (inclusive of 8% SST & Stamp Duty)

Family - RM118.00 (inclusive of 8% SST & Stamp Duty)

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